Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Suspension of Disbelief - Read before you Write

Suspension of Disbelief

This is my first ever blog post/rant so please bear with me.  I am a "polite" Canadian so that itself may also confuse and confound some readers/searchers, and for which I will not apologize.  Hell, this is my very first blog post ever, so deal with it or look somewhere else. These are my opinions, if you don't like them please feel free to start your own blog/site/commentary.

Suspension of disbelief.  All authors of fiction ( Actually that should be all authors PERIOD, this includes investigative journalism as well), all movies (period) and all TV serials (Duh) rely on this suspension of disbelief.  Most people will rate a movie/ TV show on whether or not they can "get into it".  Okay, fine, I get this:  and there are a swak load of movies/books/TV in which I can tune out the logical portion of my mind to enjoy the story that the author/director/etc is trying to make to create a world/idea.  (JRR Tolkien"s Lord of the Rings is a popular example of suspension of disbelief whether you are a reader, or have only seen the movies produced by Peter Jackson).

Readers read, and videophiles watch, mainly due to that lovely suspension of disbelief.  Escapsim.  Immersing yourself in a world through reading or video to escape the day to day.  To truly immerse yourself requires suspension of disbelief.  Whether you are reading "Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep" short story, or the movie done on the same material  that most people know as "Bladerunner:" (Author Phillip K Dick)

This is not what I am ranting about.  I am ranting about poorly done TV and movies.  Example  Lou Ferigno's  (sp) Hercules.  Last time I checked Hercules did not ride around in a tinfoil chariot.  I won't even get into how badly DISNEY gets the "fairy tales" wrong or wussies them down for " modern children".  That is a battle for another day. ( a very long, developed, FU and the soccer Moms kinda day) I am not even talking about the old Adam West "Batman" TV serials or the Linda Carter "Wonder Woman" serials.  Today I am Talking about a Canadian TV serial called "Lost Girl".

`Lost Girl` has a high production quality and is a good TV serial.  I have followed all the episodes to date as of February 26, 2014.  I love the characters, and the storyline is intriguing.  The Suspension of Disbelief is trying for me.  Do the  writers actually look at the mythology/folk tales in regards to what they are dishing out to the populace other than the LGBT correctness they can purchase in their storylines?

Bo or could it be "Beaux" is a succubus.....last time I checked a succubus is a DEMON not a Fae. Nor is a Werewolf  of the Fae. Sirens are not Fae, that is a Roman/Greek mermaid.  Fae are nature spirits.  For example Dryads, nyads, slyphs, selkies, beansidhe, leansidhe, pookas, pixies, brownies and bogarts to name a very particular few.  A Valkarie(y) is not a fae they are the collectors of the battle dead and are at an almost atavar status as they are the HANDMAIDENS of  Odin. Hugin and Munin are the eyes and ears of Odin,  sorry not FAE. That particular bastardization peeved me.  The biggest complaint for me is where the "f" did anyone get the idea that there is a "Light" and "Dark" court for the Fae.

I really would like someone who writes this crap as an author, serial (TV) writer, movie/screenplay writer to actually look at the DOCUMENTATION or listen to the old TALES, BEFORE they make misguided bumbling inaccurate sweeps of judgement.  The most misused Fae are the pixies ( see Tinkerbell-Disney).  These are not pretty, harmless, butterfly winged beings.  They are mean, nasty, pranksters that cause a lot of damage if they so decide.

Baba Yaga again is not a Fae.  She is a Eastern European are her forte,  Nothing comes without a price.  This is where she gets her servants, and it is to teach THEM a lesson, she may benefit from the tasks she sets them, but at the end of the day it is the supplicant that earns/gets the larger reward in knowledge than Baba Yaga gets in the end unless she is cheated.

The biggest peeve I have is there are the FAE and there are the GENTRY ( aka Sidhe or Tuatha De Dannan) FAERIES DO NOT AND HAVE NEVER EXISTED.  Read before you write a book /screenplay/movie.  People that write for public consumption have a duty to present the core of truth within their own imaginings when appropriating folklore.  Snow White/ Sleeping Beauty would not have been so badly twisted as the tales of the Fae are abused. though even they have been "purified" and "innocentized" for North American consumption.

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